There are places of healing power
in & around you. Let’s find them.
What is your goal?

Better health
Nothing is more important in your life than your health. Better health equals a higher quality of life.

Better relationships
Studies show that people with missing, difficult or toxic relationships have a lower life expectancy – unnecessarily so.

More success
Success is a habit: Professional & financial wellbeing is a priority, as it makes everything else so much easier.
4 pillars of success & wellbeing
Depending on your goal, we will have a look at several – if not all – of the following 4 pillars.
No matter what you want to achieve: Your body is the engine taking you to your goal. Let’s make sure youre engine runs at optimum level.
Removing mental and emotional obstacles is one of the main accelerators to reach your goal in flow and with ease.
Individually tailored food hacks make you healthier, more focused & emotionally balanced, directly influencing your performance.
With the right people, places and the powerful tools of feng shui and geomancy you turn wishes into reality much faster.
What if…
…you overcame the obstacles that constantly weigh you down and make your life difficult? If instead you could devote your time freely to your own wellbeing, your loved ones and your professional goals?
Health, relationships & success are the 3 pillars for a fulfilled life.
Without health, everything else looses its importance. Nothing is as limiting as constant illness & pain. A severe health issue can jeopardize your professional life and finances, and your relationships with others usually suffer, too.
In turn, professional and financial pressure has a negative impact on your wellbeing and can lead to physical illness in a long-term perspective. In the same way, emotional (relationship) issues have both physical and psychological strains, resulting in a negative impact on professional commitments
Have you found yourself in situations like these? I feel you, and I also struggled for years. Today, I draw my solutions from ease instead of fighting against obstacles, which – unnecessarily so – used to rob me of my time, strength & energy.
There are many places of healing & power in and around you. Let’s take advantage of them.
Much love,
What clients say

South Africa

I have had sleep issues for a long time and no remedy worked. With Helene’s advice I am now sleeping much better and I wake up very rested. Helene’s help has made a huge difference to my rest and peace.


Helene creates a space that allows for all questions and her approach is always without any judgement. Her inner clarity about things and her loving nature stood out to me more than anything.


After feeling stuck for many years, a wide range of positive things have happened ever since my coaching with Helene. For me, collaborating with Helene has been and continues to be a real game-changer.